FDA report on Searle's submission for NutraSweet approval 1977 - Part 19

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Tissue mass located subcutaneously in the right inguinal area measuring

2.5 X 1 cm.


All other organs examined grossly were unremarkable.




Mass - Previously described on 12/9/72 and located subcutaneously

in the right inguinal area now measures 2.5 X 2.0 X 1.0

cm and may be described as smooth-surfaced, purplish-

yellowish in color, non-glistening, firm, multi-nodular,

non-adherent to the underlying muscles and containing a

firm yellowish-whitish tissue. (Submitted in toto

together with a portion of the skin and underlying muscle

with remainder of tissue).

Heart - Left ventricle has undergone a moderate amount of dili-

tation. Wall, left ventricle is thin.

Liver - Prominent lobular architecture.

Lung - Right, post-caval lobe-consolidation.

Kidney - Markedly enlarged, yellow and rough-surfaced, bilaterally.

Dilitation of the pelvis.

Adrenal - Covered with tiny yellow spots measuring 1 mm in diameter,



Testes - Marked atrophy, bilaterally.


All other organs examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.


Tiss. Trimming - Nodules discovered immediately posterior (2.0 cm) to

the pyloric portion of the stomach within the adipose

tissue. Nodules may be described as firm, yellowish

brownish in color. Non-glistening measuring 1.2 X

1.0 mm to 4.0 X 4.0 mm.






Lung - Moderate diffuse hyperemia.

Eye - Opaque cornea, bilaterally.


All other organs examined grossly were unremarkable




Lungs - All lobes exhibit moderate diffuse and uniform hyperemia.




Kidney - Moderate autolysis.

Eye - The entire cornea is opaque, bilaterally.

Spleen - Moderately autolyzed.

Stomach - Numerous 1-2 mm. hemorrhagic ulcerations are located on

the glandular mucosa. Entire small and large intestines

are moderately autolyzed.

Brain & Pituitary - Moderately autolyzed.


All other organs examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.






All organs examined were grossly unremarkable.




Testes - Markedly atrophy, bilaterally

Lung, Rt - Middle lobe exhibits a 1 X 1 cm consolidation on the

posterior portion.

Liver - All lobes appear olive green otherwise unremarkable.


All other organs examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.






Testes - Right, slightly enlarged; left, mild atrophy.


All other organs examined grossly were unremarkable.




Testes - lt./appears markedly atrophy

rt./appears to be distended with yellowish white



Seminal V- Appears markedly atrophy bilaterally.

Intestinal - Large, markedly distended with "gas".


All other organs examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.


P.M. Testes - Also, small black areas are noted within along with

the yellowish areas. Black areas measuring 1.0 X 1.0 to

4.0 X 4.0 mm in diameter.








Lung - Moderate consolidation of all right lobes.

Testis - Moderate atrophy


All other organs examined grossly were unremarkable.




Pituitary - Markedly enlarged; slightly hyperemic.

Heart - Left Ventricle has undergone dilitation walls thin.

Lung - Right, anterior, medial and post-caval lobe have

undergone consolidation.

Testes - Marked atrophy, bilaterally.


Seminal Vesicle - Marked atrophy, bilaterally.


All other organs examined were grossly normal and unremarkable.


Dr. Stejskal told us that the other pathologist (Dr. Joseph Smith) who

made microscopic evaluations of the slides, came from a hospital

background (human pathology) and therefore his descriptions and

terminology were a little bit different than one would expect from a

veterinary pathologist.




We have assisted in our review of the Microscopic Pathology of Study

E-77/78 by Charles H. Frith, D.V.M., Ph.D, Director, Pathology Services,

NCTR. Dr. Frith arrived on 6/22/77 and spent 3 days with the FDA team.

He examined slides for a representative number of animals, the selection

of which was made jointly by Dr. Frith and the other members of the FDA

team. A Searle Pathologist was not present during Dr. Frith's review of

the slides. However, Dr. Frith did meet with Dr. Rudolf Stejskal, SEarle

Pathologist, at the conclusion of this review and discussed some of his

findings with him.


The first phase of Dr. Frith's review consisted of the examination of the

tissues of 25 of the surviving control females and 11 of the non-surviving

control females for a total of 36 animals. All of the slides were

examined for each animal and the results were compared to the microscopic

reports provided by Searle Laboratories. The inconsistencies (findings

that differed from those reported by Searle) are listed below:


Continue to Part 20


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