About Dr. Janet Hull
Dr. Janet Hull's aspartame expertise is based
on her professional background. She holds
a Doctorate in Nutrition, a Master's Degree in
Environmental Science, is an international geographer
and geologist, a former university professor,
firefighter and Hazardous Waste Specialist and
Emergency Responder. She is a Licensed Certified
Nutritionist, certified fitness professional,
author and aspartame victim.
Dr. Hull's diverse background supports her unique
approach to contemporary nutritional issues. She
has dedicated the past ten years to sharing with
others her life-threatening experience and natural
recovery from aspartame poisoning.
Dr. Janet
Starr Hull: |
About her book SweetPoison
After publishing her first book, Sweet
Poison How The World's Most Popular Artificial
Sweetener Is Killing Us - My Story - , New Horizon
Press, ISBN; 0-88282-164-4, Janet Starr Hull began counseling
aspartame victims worldwide through her web site www.sweetpoison.com.
and as the Director of the GoldStarr Research Foundation.
Dr. Hull grants numerous speaking engagements,
lectures, and media interviews on the topic of aspartame
dangers and the benefits of alternative medicine, and
recently hosted the radio talk show HEALTHY ALTERNATIVES®.
She offers hair and water analyses to clients internationally
to determine aspartame poisoning, levels of toxicity,
and offers exclusive nutritional counseling. The
GoldStarr Research Foundation is an alternative health
and wellness organization founded for research into
the side effects of aspartame on individuals and societies,
and research supporting the effectiveness of alternative
methodologies to treat and prevent disease.
Dr. Hull has been the guest on numerous television
and radio talk shows such as "Dreamland" and
"Coast To Coast" with Whitley Streiber and
Art Bell, NPR with Brian Leher, Good Day New York and
Good Day Washington, DC. She currently works with
international health organizations, research and wellness
centers worldwide.
Sweet Poison recently
sold in the UK, New Zealand, and Australia, through
Vision Paperbacks, March, 2000. It is in its second
print run in both the USA and the UK, and has been recently
released in Trade Paper in the USA, New Horizon Press,
Dr. Hull's counseling expertise is based on her professional
background. She holds a Doctorate in Nutrition,
a Master's Degree in Environmental Science, is an international
geographer and geologist, a former university professor,
firefighter and Hazardous Waste Specialist and Emergency
Responder. She is a Licensed Certified Nutritionist,
certified fitness professional, author and aspartame
Dr. Hull's diverse background supports her unique approach
to contemporary nutritional issues. With over
ten years experience teaching science and international
studies on the collegiate level, Dr. Hull has extensive
experience in public speaking, and routinely lectures
on all her writing projects.
Dr. Hull has dedicated her past 10 years in practice
to informing aspartame victims on how to restore their
health naturally. Her Aspartame Detoxification
Program© has revolutionized the harmful effects
of the diet industry.
Dr. Hull is an effective educator and motivator. She
is well organized, multi-tasked, and communicates very
successfully. As a writer and public speaker, she exhibits
excellent verbal and written communication skills. As
a professional engineer, Dr. Hull continuously exemplifies
respectable environmental talents in toxicology both
domestically and internationally. Her Licensed Certified
Nutrition designation embraces the vast contemporary
human issues she addresses in The Aspartame Detoxification
Program. Dr. Hull has successfully owned her own fitness
studio and is presently a nutritional counselor and
Director of the GoldStarr Research Foundation outside
Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Janet Starr Hull's office address:
P.O. Box 239
Melissa, Texas 75454